使用 I Super Pay 標準和Express,您可以輕鬆安全地從客戶那裡獲得在線付款。
如果付款人想使用 I Super Pay,將付款人設置為 I Super Pay。
//Payer Object
$payer = new Payer();
$payer->setPaymentMethod('PayMoney'); //preferably, your system name, example - PayMoney
//Amount Object
$amountIns = new Amount();
$amountIns->setTotal(20)->setCurrency('USD'); //must give a valid currency code and must exist in merchant wallet list
//Transaction Object
$trans = new Transaction();
//RedirectUrls Object
$urls = new RedirectUrls();
$urls->setSuccessUrl('http://your-merchant-domain.com/example-success.php') //success url - the merchant domain page, to redirect after successful payment, see sample example-success.php file in sdk root, example - http://techvill.net/PayMoney_sdk/example-success.php
->setCancelUrl('http://your-merchant-domain.com/');//cancel url - the merchant domain page, to redirect after cancellation of payment, example - http://techvill.net/PayMoney_sdk/
它是一种支付资源,必须设置所有 Payer、Amount、RedirectUrls 和商户凭证(客户端 ID 和客户端密钥)。初始化为支付对象后,需要调用create方法。它将生成一个重定向 URL。用户必须重定向到此 URL 才能完成交易。
//Payment Object
$payment = new Payment();
$payment->setCredentials([ //client id & client secret, see merchants->setting(gear icon)
'client_id' => 'place your client id here', //must provide correct client id of an express merchant
'client_secret' => 'place your client secret here' //must provide correct client secret of an express merchant
try {
$payment->create(); //create payment
header("Location: ".$payment->getApprovedUrl()); //checkout url
} catch (Exception $ex) {
print $ex;
exit; }
现在,去 php-sdk/src/PayMoney/Rest/Connection.php, 然后改变 BASE_URL value to your domain name(i.e: If the domain is - 'your-domain.com' then, define( 'BASE_URL' , 'http://your-domain.com/' ) )
示例代码require 'vendor/autoload.php'; //if you want to change the namespace/path from 'PayMoney' - lines[1-5] - //to your desired name, i.e. (use PayMoney\Api\Amount; //to use MyDomain\Api\Amount;), then you must change the folders name that holds the API classes //as well as change the property 'PayMoney' in (autoload->psr-0) of (php-sdk/composer.json) file to your //desired name and run "composer dump-autoload" command from sdk root use PayMoney\Api\Payer; use PayMoney\Api\Amount; use PayMoney\Api\Transaction; use PayMoney\Api\RedirectUrls; use PayMoney\Api\Payment; //Payer Object $payer = new Payer(); $payer->setPaymentMethod('PayMoney'); //preferably, your system name, example - PayMoney //Amount Object $amountIns = new Amount(); $amountIns->setTotal(20)->setCurrency('USD'); //must give a valid currency code and must exist in merchant wallet list //Transaction Object $trans = new Transaction(); $trans->setAmount($amountIns);
如果您在配置和解压 SDK 后没有看到更改,请转到您的 SDK 根目录并运行以下命令:-